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Thursday, June 26, 2014

San Antonio SharePoint User Group - How Claims is Changing the Way We Authenticate and Authorize in SharePoint

Thanks to everyone that attended my session in May at the San Antonio SharePoint User Group.  It was a nice crowd and I was very happy to get to talk to some of you before and afterwards.  Thanks to Tom for organizing and getting me to the airport aftwards.  It was also nice to finally get to see the RackSpace office.

I am late getting these slides available, but as promised the slides can be found here: How Claims is Changing the Way We Authenticate and Authorize in SharePoint.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me either here or on Twitter at: @AntonioMaio2.  I'd be happy for a follow and to follow back.

Thanks again,

1 comment:

  1. 留学生在代写过程中应尽量详细地向写手说明作业要求,包括教授的具体指示、作业的格式要求、字数限制以及参考资料等。此外,有些作业可能需要结合课堂讨论内容或教授的反馈,这些细节往往会影响作业的评分。因此,学生应当尽量将这些信息提供给写手,以确保写手在撰写过程中能够参考所有相关资料,避免遗漏重要的评分标准。同时,留学生应在作业撰写过程中与写手保持良好的沟通,及时跟进作业的进度,并在每个阶段进行检查和反馈,这样可以确保作业按时且符合要求地完成。
